Social Media Club . Auckland
Matt Taylor
New Zealand Police
Matt Taylor is the manager of the Northern Digital Forensics Unit, part of NZ Police High Tech Crime Group. Matt has been involved with Digital and Cyber Forensic investigations for NZ Police for 14 years. He is in instructor on Digital and Cyber Forensic techniques for the International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists, regularly presenting in Europe and the United States of America.
Rick Shera
Internet Lawyer
Rick Shera is one of New Zealand top internet, IT, IP & startup lawyers and is a partner at a leading legal firm, Lowndes Jordan. With particular focus on internet law he can shed light on the Harmful Digital Communications Act.
James Ting-Edwards
Internet NZ
James is a member of the Issues Team at InternetNZ and leads their work in the Internet Law and Rights portfolio of the Issues Programme.
Dean Par
Regular Teenager
Dean Par is a year 12 student and prefect at One Tree Hill College. Dean is involved in the school's media team and has an interest in technology and social media. As a 16-year-old, Dean is exposed to different types of people and resources on the internet, and has some knowledge on the dark web and can share insights from a youth's perspective.